Women in Media Development (WIMDeV) conducts Civic and Voter Education.

Ahead of the 2023 general elections, Women in Media Development (WIMDeV) conducts Civic and Voter Education villages and towns in Margibi and Grand Bassa Counties.

According to the Program Assistant of WIMDeV Ms. Benetta Teta Bowah the intent of the exercise is to educate rural women on how to mark the ballots so as reduce invalid votes and encourage young people to stay away from violence and keep the peace.

“Voter education among women voters is not just a matter of equality; it’s a matter of justice and democracy’s very essence. When women are actively engaged and informed voters, it paves the way for more representative and effective democratic processes.

The responsibility of ensuring women’s voter education lies with societies, governments, civil society organizations, and individuals alike. By empowering women with knowledge, skills, and confidence, we enable them to participate fully in the democratic process and have their voices heard. In doing so, we take a giant leap towards a more inclusive and equitable democracy, where all voices, regardless of gender, are equally valued and influential” the Executive Director Madam Siatta Scott Johnson said.

The exercise which targeted motorcyclist and first-time voters who are mostly students, promoted peace messages.

The young people appreciated the organization for reaching to them therefore they promised to desist from any act of violence that temper with the peace Liberia has enjoyed thus far.

Speaking on behalf the motorcyclist, Mr. Moses Gargar said though some of them did not experience the civil war, but history has told them the cruelty of the war there they do not want to experience what their parents experienced.

“ they thing our parents explained to us about the war was very bad so we will not allow war come here again”

Written By Benetta Bowah

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