Talk and Not Do! A pattern of Failed Promises for Liberian Women.
On May 11, 2023, Heads and Executive Committee Members of Political Parties and the National
Women in Media Development (WIMDeV) conducts Civic and Voter Education.
Speaking on behalf the motorcyclist, Mr. Moses Gargar said though some of them did not experience the civil war, but history has told them the cruelty of the war there they do not want to experience what their parents experienced.
“ they thing our parents explained to us about the war was very bad so we will not allow war come here again”
Empowering Change: Highlights from the Amplifying Rights Network’s Annual General Assembly 2023.
The recently concluded three-day Annual General Assembly (AGA) of the Amplifying Rights Network (ARN) marked
Amplifying Rights Network, #WeAreUnprotected Campaign Kick Off 16Days of Activism in Bo Waterside.
The #WeAreUnProtected Campaign with support from the Amplifying Rights Network kicks off the observance of
Abortion Care is Health Care!
In Liberia, 16% of all pregnancies end in abortion, according to a recent study conducted